what really causes low vitamin d

I just found out that I have really low Vitamin D so I was put on 5000 IU a day for 4 weeks then 2000 IU a day afterward plus 3 calcium 500mg a day. Now, I do have an chronic inflammatory disease and was taking 8 pills of methotrexate but was bumped down to 6 pills because of my blood work and 1 pill of arthrotec.

My question is that is the low vitamin d caused by my illness or the pills that I'm on or was it from my poor diet. I have IBS so some days I don't eat very much but I still eat.

My DR. didn't explain much to me about what may of caused it other than saying something about dieting. So I was just hoping that you could maybe explain what might of caused it.

I look forward to hearing from. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter I really appreciate it.

Sincerely Yours;

Carrie-Ann Sherwood

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Why Is My Vitamin D Level So Low..

by Imagine
(Kennesaw, GA)

Imagine Chillaxing

Imagine Chillaxing

I'M TOTALLY CONFUSED, MY VITAMIN D LEVEL IS "7." My Rheumatologist took a ton of blood from me to test for every possible disease known to mankind. My symptoms are severe body aches/pain, fatigue, and weakening of my joints ie... elbows/knees/ankles etc.

Also I have a history of DVT'S (I have a VENA CAVA FILTER & I have taken Coumadin in the past.) Some Doctors say I have Lupus and others say I don't. Before all my results came back from the blood work my Rheumy put me on 50K of Vitamin D. I just got the results and he said my Vitamin D was severely low at a level of "7."

He was the first Doctor to even measure my level. I want to understand how my level got so low and what the low level is/has done to my body. I wonder if I have LUPUS or was a suffering from Low Vitamin D Levels. How bad is a level of "7" and just how long does it take to get that low? What would cause my Vitamin D Level to be so low?

Will my symptoms of severe body aches/pain, fatigue, and weakening of my joints ie... elbows/knees ever go away? Currently my pain is so severe that I am in a pain management clinic. Sometimes I think I am going crazy because my pain is so severe all over my body and communicating my feelings effectively to Doctors just seems to become overwhelming!


Thanks in advance,

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Causes of Low Vitamin D Level

by BettyJean

Covering Up is One Cause of Low Vitamin D

Covering Up is One Cause of Low Vitamin D

Living in Florida all my life and being basically healthy at age 70, I wonder why I am low in Vit D (tested, it measures 20). My calcium level is normal but I have osteopenia and osteomalacia and nearing osteoporosis. My endocrinologist had me take 50,000 IU and I had a toxic reaction of extreme dry mouth for a week. I understand that Vit D has a half-life of 20 to 29 days. I was supposed to take another one after 30 days but I refused to do that to myself again.

Pharmacy told me that there is not a smaller Vit D pill available. So I went to a health food store and found some capsules that were 1,000 IU each and take 2 daily. After three months of this, they will test again.

How does the Parathyroid play into this? Should it be tested? Many years ago I had hyperthyroidism and the doctors destroyed my thyroid with radiation. I was put on Synthroid and later, Levoxyl for many years. I have serious hair loss (female) which I think is due to this medication. Could this medication affect Vit D?

Photo by Shawn Chin

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How to Determine the Underlying Cause
of Vitamin D Deficiency

by Caroline
(South Africa)

One Underlying Cause of Vitamin D Deficiency is Long Winters...

One Underlying Cause of Vitamin D Deficiency is Long Winters...

I have been diagnosed with Vitamin D deficiency and would like to know how to go about determining the underlying Cause of the Vitamin D Deficiency.

I have a history of a multinodular goiter (a thyroid problem) which I have consulted an Endocrinologist for.

My blood test results for thyroid are all normal.

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