Can't find reason for Macrocytosis!

by Rachel
(Ohio, United States)

I have been through my general practitioner, 2 hematologists and 2 stress tests to find the origin of my Macrocytic Anemia! PLEASE HELP! I have been trying to find a reason for it for over a year now! Here are my latest test values.

WBC 4.9
RBC 3.76 L
Hgb 13.8
Hct 38.8 L
MCV 103.2
MCHC 35.5
RBC Distribution 12.0
Platelet count 268
MPV 6.5 L

Retic Count 2.5 H
Retic Absolute .0940 H

Vitamin B12 300
Folate Serum >27.00
Folate RBC 730
Ferritin 171.00

Also some abnormal Thyroid readings
T4 Total Thyroxine 12.7 H
T-Uptake .073 L
Free Thyroxin In 9.3
TSH, High Sensitive 4.272

Can you read anything from this??


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Couple of Ideas..
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi Rachel,

So, first of all, you don't say whether you are being treated for your hypothyroidism. And on this lab test, there are no tests for Thyroid Autoantibodies. These are also called TPO or thyroid peroxidase antibodies. See if you have one, if not then insist on finding on finding out if you have antibodies- which would give you a diagnosis of Hashimoto's Thyroiditis- and get treatment for your hypothyroidism whether you have antibodies or not.

Next, please read my page on Vitamin B12 Levels to see why those are completely inaccurate and you should have a Methylmalonic Acid instead. Unfortunately, even though it's MORE accurate and detects Vitamin B12 deficiency MORE often, most doctors won't do it unless your vitamin b12 level is low- it's a Catch 22 that you can only be diagnosed with a low b12 level with a methylmalonic acid test, but they won't do one unless your B12 level is low- it makes no sense.

But anyway, your B12 level is on the 'low end' and you could 'assume' that you DO have Vitamin B12 Deficiency and follow the guidelines on the Vitamin B12 Deficiency Treatment for 3 or 4 months and see if your Macrocytosis is improved.

If it improves with B12 treatment, then it was caused by B12 deficiency. Voila, problem solved...

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Immune System

Macrocytosis with hypothyroid
by: Karen

I suffer from constant lethargy and muscle fatigue and several recent blood tests have shown macrocytosis. I have been accused of being an alcoholic but I rarely drink as I feel more unwell after only one glass of wine. I have also recently been diagnosed with coeliac but my B12 and folate levels are within the normal ranges. I also have thyroxine daily after a total thyroidectomy in 2007. Is it that the thyroxine I am taking is insufficient or do I need to take a different thyroid hormone replacement therapy as the thyroxine is not right for me now. My doctor has never mentioned that there is a link between hypothroidisn\m and macrocytosis but I found information linked to this theory on the internet as I am so tired of feeling unwell and nobody seems to be able to help.

Please advise,


Macrocytic Anemia
by: Kerri Knox, Registered Nurse

Hi Karen,

Please read my page on Macrocytic Anemia where I give you the far and away most likely cause of this problem.

Kerri Knox, Registered Nurse

Just found out I have high MCV
by: Larry LaCosta

Hi Kerri,
4 years ago I developed very swollen, painful ankles. I saw my internist who thought it might be a result of my hereditary hemochromatosis , but later suspected RA. I was tested for RA ,but test results were negative.i was then referred to a Rheumatologist who in turn diagnosed me with psoriatic Arthritis and tried to treat me with methotrexate and then Enbril, which I fought taking until the pain became unbearable.
I then learned I had a rare form of Non Hodgkin's lymphoma (waldenstroms macroglobulemia ).

I am not being treated for the NHL , I am on a watch and wait program and since had my left ankle fused and rebuilt with titanium. My right ankle still hurts and is still swollen, but will get that done eventually. I recently had a heart attack 6 mos. ago and received 4 stents. It was only until I had a check up this month with a facility that monitors my health yearly did I see that on my lab results, my MCV was 99. There normal range is 79 -97. I go to MD Anderson regularly and they do labs every 3 mos. and no one has ever bought this up.

My own macrocytosis saga to date
by: Anonymous

I am so relieved to read this thread. I am 38 and have macrocytosis going back to at least 2007. I was told I had B12 anaemia and treated with B12 jabs for 2 years, but no improvement on MCV and on changing medical practice the new doctors said I was not B12 deficient - was referred to a haematologist and had a bone marrow test in 2012.

This ruled out cancer but aside from advising me not to drink alcohol I was told it could be 'normal' for me. Fast forward to 2016 and it's still high (MCV of 111 at latest reading). I returned to haematologist as wondered if macrocytosis was contributing to my infertility (I also have endometriosis and a borderline subclinical underactive thyroid - TSH of 3.95).

The haematologist this time seemed more worried when I said I had not had a drink since 2012 (as if she had put it down to alcohol last time!) She said 'it's not healthy at all' and wants me to have another bone marrow extract, I assume to rule out early leukemia again.

I've asked to delay on the basis that I'm going through fertility treatment, it's not a minor test and it feels like I've been down that road before - I want some new avenues to try to get to the bottom of it!

I eat very healthily already but have been adding supplements and cutting out sugar, caffeine,and going on a Gluten Free Diet, etc. I will ask about the H Pylori Test.

I have also been put on thyroxine by the repro endocrinologist so will report back on here if my MCV comes down - I would give a lot to see the number come down and would love to share with others on possible treatments as it seems that this is an under-researched area, in the UK at least.

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