Can magnesium help sarcoidosis of the skin?
by Jill
(Eugene, OR)
I have had sarcoidosis of the skin for 13 years. It is one of those baffling things that the dermatologist recommends steroids for which I will not take. It is in the autoimmune category. For me it comes and goes, sometimes healing itself, but then a new patch will appear and scarring happens where the healed patch was.
I notice it has been worse since I am recently taking calcium with magnesium supplements. I have it mainly on my shins. My intuition recently led me to research magnesium. I wonder if I take it without the calcium if it could help. It seems it couldn't hurt but am not sure how much to take. I have no kidney problems which I read is a factor for overdosing. I also have developed a spasm in my left baby toe over the past year.
I noticed when I soaked in epsom salt bath, by coincidence for muscle soreness from exercise, that it was better. What is the best kind or brand for my situation? Also, how much?
Thanks for any light you can shed on this subject.