Comments for Can I Have Hip Pain From Vitamin D Deficiency?

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Hip Pain and Vitamin D Deficiency
by: Kerri Knox, RN-The Immune Health Queen!

Hi Annie,

I'm a bit confused. Did you mean that you have had your level done and it was 30 ? I'm confused because it doesn't SOUND like it SHOULD be 30, but much lower!

So, could you clarify that you did, indeed, have a vitamin D level done and that it was 30. And be sure that you are looking at the CORRECT vitamin d level. There are TWO vitamin D Levels and the one that we want to know about is called a:



Hydroxyvitamin D

Which sounds AMAZINGLY like the the OTHER vitamin d level that does not have to do with supplementing vitamin D. And that one is called a:



Di-hydroxyvitamin D

At a level of 30, you COULD have some improvement, but if your level is lower (like I suspect it is), then your chances would be more likely that your hip pain could get better.

So, let me know what your vitamin D level is.

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Health Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Easy Immune

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