Can gluten intolerance come and go?
by David
My 25-yr. old son was exhibiting many of the classic symptoms of gluten-intolerance at 21 years of age, went on a gluten-free diet, and except for the occasional bouts of symptoms when he unknowingly ate wheat or gluten, has been feeling good and healthy since then. He was drinking alcohol at the time, and while not infrequently, I wouldn't term him a heavy drinker.
Recently, he stopped drinking alcohol, and claims to have been 'faith-healed' of his gluten intolerance, and has been eating bread and other wheat-based foods for 3 weeks. While I do not believe gluten intolerance could be overcome by religious intervention, I don't have any information on how, or if, a person with gluten intolerance could suddenly start eating wheat again after years of not, and not present with his typical symptoms.
I'm aware that his condition may have been actually something else, not simply gluten intolerance, but since he is unwilling to seek medical help on the situation (feeling God just took care of everything), I'm doing my own research to at least be aware of plausible answers.
Thank you in advance for any help you might offer.