Calcium level not elevated but close to top end of there reference range

by Kornelia Boros

Hi I am a 53 year old female in my menopause. I have recently done blood test to check my cholesterol which is elevated. As I was checking through the blood test results I've noticed that my calcium level is close to the top end of the reference range. It is 2.60 mmol/L and the reference range of the lab is 2.1-2.65
I am taking vitamin D (oral spray)supplement 6000IU/ day which I'm normally doing for about 1 month and then take a month break. I had some unexplained health issues in the past months such skipped heartbeats, severe muscle cramps, urge urination and elevated blood pressure. There's been a lot of tests/ exams done but no explanation from the doctors. All I've been told that this comes with age. Most of these symptoms have gone by now since am doing transdermal magnesium nearly every day after shower and sometimes Epsom salts foot bath in the evenings.

My diet is very healthy I don't consume any processed food and for the past year I've turned to paleo diet which I follow about 90% of the time. Still consume some milk and dairy products and occasionally some bread. I was wondering if this calcium level is something I should be worried about and also if this could be the reason of my past symptoms.

I am also interested if the elevated cholesterol could be also the result of possible parathyroid dysfunction? I'm not taking any medications at the moment but for about three years I've been taking beta blockers. Finally about a year ago I managed to persuade my doctor to come off the beta blockers because of the side effects that I've been noticing.

My recent blood test looks like this:ATP <0.5 IU/L
Free T4 13.6 pmol/L Range 9.0-19.1, TSH 0.81 mlU/L Range 0.35-4.94 ,PTH 31 ng/L Range 15-68.
I will highly appreciate your reply and thank you for your time.
We need more people like you on this planet! Kind regards Kornelia

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check your vitamin d level
by: Kerri Knox, The Immune Queen

Check your vitamin d level just to make sure you are not so high that you are driving up your calcium level.

But your calcium level is still within the 'normal' range, and with a normal PTH and calcium in the normal range, I would seriously doubt that it's a parathyroid problem.

You can go to and look at their 'diagnosis' page and punch in your calcium and pth levels and you'll see that it's almost certainly not hyperparathyroidism.

Also, what your doctor might call 'high cholesterol' is probably actually historically normal cholesterol. Please see my page on Statin Side Effects to see that studies in Japan and studies on women show that higher cholesterol levels actually lead to increased lifespan. The entire cholesterol issue is, basically, a non-issue. There are a lot more problems caused from low cholesterol than high cholesterol.

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Immune System
Side Effects

PS: If you appreciate the free help that I give on my site, please consider making your next supplement purchase through my Health Store in order to help keep this site in operation.

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