Comments for Breastfeeding Mom and Vitamin D

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Where did your doctor get her information?
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi Sara,

You might want to ask your doctor where she got her information because the research studies simply don't back up your doctor's assertions that 5000 IU's will get your baby all she needs.

In fact, unless you get a Vitamin D Level and know for sure what your level is, it may not even be enough for YOU- let alone to also supply what your baby needs.

So, please take a look at the chart on the Vitamin D and Breastfeeeding page to see that you need 6400 IU's per day to meet your baby's needs- and that will only meet your baby's needs if you have been taking that dose for almost 6 months!

Obviously, you can't get enough to your baby even if you started taking that dosage right now. So, YES, you can safely supplement your baby while you are also taking vitamin D. See my page on Overdose on Vitamin D and you'll see that infants in East Germany were given 600,000 IU's every 3 months of life for 18 months without problems.

You supplementing with up to 1000 IU's per day while breastfeeding, even if your baby got 600 IU's per liter as you would give your baby with full supplementation, would not even come anywhere near those levels that those babies safely received.

Kerri Knox RN Immune Health Queen

Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune System Queen
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Immune System

Vitamin D and Breastfeeding
by: Anonymous

I am currently exclusively breastfeeding my 2 and 1/2 month old. I have a prescription of Vitamin D 50,000 IU. Take 1 capsule by mouth every week. I was prescribed these in summer 2017 by my family Dr. because my vitamin d was low and still have refills. I recently had labs drawn which showed my vitamin d is still low and I need to take a supplement again. My babies pediatrician said i can take these because vitamin d does not go into breastmilk.I want a second opinion. Can I take this Vitamin D?

See the Breastfeeding page that I already linked to
by: Kerri Knox

Please see the Breastfeeding and Vitamin D page that I already linked to. Vitamin D definitely DOES go into the breast milk. And that's a GOOD thing.

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