100,000iu dosage a week and still nursing??

by J. Scribner
(Belle Fourche, SD)

Prescribed 50,000iu's 2x a week...supplemental nusing 2-3 times a day...

Do not want to take this much...scared of toxicity for me and my son. Please help me to figure out how much is too much before I pop one of these 50,000iu pills! I want what is best for myself and my son. Would it be better to take 6700iu's a day, consistently, then these mega pills two times a week for two months? Also, I am taking 55mcg of synthroid...how will this be affected? I am anxious about all of this!!! I look forward to your reply.

Jenny Scribner

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by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!


So first of all, relax! Seriously, you are FAR too stressed out for this problem. Next, you are expressing ZERO worry about the long term consequences of what having a low vitamin d level will have done to you and your son. You should be FAR more worried about THAT than worried about what getting your levels back to normal will do to do?!

So, BREATHE and go to my page on Signs of Magnesium Deficiency. From your extreme anxiety on this, I suspect that you are not just vitamin d deficient, but extremely magnesium deficient as well.

Then please read my page on Vitamin D Overdose where I cite a case of a woman with an endocrine problem who was given 100,000 IU's of Vitamin d per DAY for her entire pregnancy and while she was breastfeeding. There was NO HARM to her child whatsoever.

Then, you need to understand that Vitamin D Toxicity is based on Vitamin d LEVELS, not dosage. You obviously have a VERY VERY low level of vitamin d or your doctor would not have put you on 100,000 IU's per week, right? Well, you CANNOT have toxicity with a low level of vitamin d and it will take you several months to build your level up to even NORMAL on 100,000 IU's of vitamin d per week with extremely low levels. So, your fears about toxicity from taking these 'high' doses, which are not high when your level is extremely low, are utterly and completely unfounded.

HOWEVER, please read my page on Prescription Vitamin D to see why you should NOT take that prescription, but take an equivalent amount of Vitamin D3 instead.

If you have any other questions, please READ my site thoroughly before you ask, as all of the questions that you asked in the question above were already answered on my site. And had you carefully read my site calmly, you would have had your questions answered and your fears alleviated without having to wait for me to answer them.

Kerri Knox, RN

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