Breastfeeding on Tendonitis Protocol

can you tell me what suggestions you made here that may or may not be used while I am breastfeeding. I am 3 weeks post cipro (3 500mg doses) and steroid shot on same day. many of the initial symptoms have subsided, but the ankle swelling and achilles pain has really just gotten started. I was just tested and am severely vitamin D deficient. I am breastfeeding my 5 month old daughter and just need to know if all of these supplements and suggestions I might not be able to take while breastfeeding?

Thank you!!
Michelle Driver

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Can't help you
by: Kerri Knox, RN- The Immune Queen!

Hi Michelle,

You'll have to find a natural minded OB or pediatrician and discuss that with them. I just simply have no information about what you can or can't take while breastfeeding (Cipro, however, would certainly NOT be one of my top choices!).

The only things that I know for 100% sure that you can safely take while breastfeeding are:

* Vitamin D
* Omega 3 Fatty Acids
* Probiotics
* Magnesium- Just watch your baby closely and if she begins to get loose stools and/or she becomes more sleepy or more lethargic than usual, then consider that SHE might be getting too much even if you aren't getting enough. Magnesium causes relaxation of the muscles and aids in sleep, so if your baby is frequently cranky and/or is not sleeping through the night yet, you just might very well see an improvement in her behavior since she might very well be magnesium deficient as well since you very likely are.

Also, please make sure that you are supplementing your baby with 1000 IU's of vitamin d per day. If you are severely deficient, then your baby has spent her entire time in the womb and the first five months of her life with almost zero vitamin d in her body. If YOU are deficient, then think how deficient she is! Yipes.

Even if you are taking high dose vitamin d now, it won't begin to reach her for over 3 months and closer to 6 months, so it's perfectly fine if you take high dose vitamin D and also supplement her at the same time. Please see my page on Breastfeeding and Vitamin D.

It's also fine to be on a gluten free diet if you are breastfeeding, in fact it's HIGHLY recommended. While I suspect it's completely fine to be on any of the other supplements, I can't give you the all clear for them and you'll have to find a knowledgeable doctor to give you the go ahead on anything else.

Kerri Knox, RN

by: michelle

Thank you for your quick response and comments. I did not breastfeed while on Cipro and we do have her on a vitamin D supplement :)

I have a great OB (she actually supported a home birst of my daughter since the medical route did not serve me well the first time) I have a call into her and show does know and support my commitment to natural solutions over drugs. Even more so now after this crazy chain reaction of side effects from prescription drugs.

Thank you again and I will get started on what I can immediately and let you know waht I hear about the rest.


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